Iosevka - Coder’s typeface
posted on 2017-09-16
I have been using Iosevka as my main monospaced font for more than a year now and finally I have decided to write about it a little.
What hooked me almost instantly when I found it was it’s sleek narrow looks and being completely generated from code. It does have quite a lot of variants for various characters and optional ligatures support so you can customize it to suit your needs.
You can download pre-build font variants or build a custom one but it takes a little bit of fiddling installing required promake5 and otfcc on anything not being Gentoo or Arch (and Mac probably). But it is totally worth it and the font gets quite often updated.
My own variant is built using:
make custom-config design='cv02 cv04 cv24 cv13 cv17 cv19 cv20 cv23 cv26 cv27 cv29 cv32 cv34 cv37 cv39 cv40 cv42 cv45 ligset-haskell' make custom
and it looks like: